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In 2019 they released debut single Lucid and sophomore track Calling Out to rave reviews.

No stranger to live performances, Hurtsfall have built a reputation for putting on a serious show. Sharing the stage with Strange Circuits (the first act signed to the legendary industrial label, Wax Trax! Records) and playing venues nationwide.

2020 marked a string of media appearances for the band. They released live fan favourite track 12 Long Years along with their first music video for Revelator featured on

Hurtsfall then featured in German alternative bible Sonic Seducer, a fitting end to the year as they sail ahead keeping the spirit of goth shining bright, and establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with.

Rising from the ashes of alt-rock band The Death Notes in 2017, Jamie and Mike (also a member of In Isolation) started Hurtsfall. After a lengthy search they found Sam (formerly of Gossamer Veil)

Based in Nottingham, the ancestral home of Lord Byron, they share his penchant for gothic romantic verses. Hurtsfall have a unique approach: with no guitars, keyboards and Bass VI build a rich soundscape as a foundation for Sam’s distinctive theatrical delivery.

Down The Front Media describe them as 'Like a fine wine...flavours are subtle with hints of The Damned, David Bowie, Depeche Mode and Host-era Paradise Lost'

A post-punk band with synth-pop sensibilities, Hurtsfall recall the essence of your favourites with a genre-spanning modern twist.

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