
Italy Italy

  • In Distant Oceans (self-produced, 2015)
  • Dreamwars (self-produced, 2017)

Arya is an attempt to create something new and worth listening. Arya (Italy) is an Italian band founded in 2015 by guitarists Luca Pasini and Simone Succi, bassist Namig Musayev, drummer Luca Sigovich and singer Virginia Bertozzi. They released their first self-produced and self-recorded album 'In Distant Oceans' in late 2015, and started playing shows in their region. while promoting themselves, especially abroad.

Their second record, called “Dreamwars”, released in May 2017, is a concept album dealing with themes such as alienation and competitiveness in contemporary society, loneliness, incommunicability and suicide. During the recording process the band had to face a change of drummer, with Alessandro Crociati joining, and the personal issues of singer Virginia Bertozzi, which led to her departure from the band at the end of the album vocal tracking. The new singer and frontwoman of Arya is Clara J. Pagliero.

After the release of Dreamwars the band played numerous concerts in various regions of Italy and started working on a third record. Arya are running an active Youtube channel, where they regularly post interesting contents such as vlogs and tour diaries, to show the situation of live music in their region of Italy and to promote the bands they meet on the road.

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