California Kilowatt

Canada Canada

> California Kilowatt '1,2,3,4' EP May 2018 / Spotify release

> California Kilowatt 'California Kilowatt' Bandcamp release May
2018 (full lenth 10 track album)

Taking the train from NB, Canada to Ontario, Canada in 2014
Matt Leger had the sense that being closer to bigger cities
would yield some better music opportunities...

Now in 2018 at age 38, he decided he was going to produce a rock album by himself, sort of like Dave Grohl did with the first Foo Fighters album.

'I got tired of just being 'a bass player' in bands. The guy backing the band up and all the flaky foolishness that goes with musicians you only realize you shouldn't have invested yourself in until you've wasted a lot of time. I wanted to create a solid band but not to be the center of attention. To be a band AS a band. But the music had to be something better than all the sub par music floating around in the city I won't name, to be fair. I decided
to produce an album from scratch with an outlook to put the
band together later. This is what happened...

I knew I would need a band once my album was finished. I'd done the acoustic solo thing for a long while too, and it was becoming the same old song and dance. I got tired of it. I left my solo thing and started writing in 2016 into 2017, taking my time to craft songs rather than just spit them out like I used to. The result
was a rock album I feel good about. As an artist who doesn't
yet have a dedicated band, I did play awhile as lead singer
and guitarist for these songs which was a 3-piece band
when I thought I found the right people. That didn't pan
out, but the album remains a favorite of many in my area
and throughout the digital fanbase. It may take time to
get the right drummer and bass player and perhaps a
lead guitarist in there too, but for now, this is me, this
is my music, this is my band. Even if, right now, those
spots aren't filled. It's a brutally honest situation for
some brutally honest rock I worked damn hard to
bring to light. Albums are selling, but I can't put
more money into this until the right musicians
come along so we can play live, as a band, as
a unit. As a solid performance group so rare
it didn't deter me from producing this concept
album and I will continue to release new ones.

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