
Canada Canada

Hangtime – Plug in, 2010
Hangtime – Invictus Melodious, 2018


“Invictus Melodious” is Hangtime ’s follow up to their 2010 full length release “Plug In”.

After spending most of 2017 in production, “Invictus Melodious” is now available. It contains 14 radical songs of melodic punk sweetness that clocks in at over 50 minutes!

After nearly 10 years as a band, and a few brief hiatuses in between, the songwriting is now flowing at a rapid pace. Not only is the ba nd celebrating this newest release, they are already making plans to record again for an early 2018 album.

“We’re not exactly young punks anymore, so what are we waiting for? We just want to write good songs, record them and release albums as soon as we can, no more waiting around for the right time, we just don’t care about that stuff anymore”

Hangtime are long time veterans of Toronto’s music scene, with 2 members (Rick Burns and Warren Gregson) of 90’s pop punk band “Shortfall” as well as (Dan Scicchitano and Enzo Suppa) part of several longtime local bands.

With lots of new music, shows and great friendships, 2018 is looking to be a solid year of memories and fun.


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