
France France

2010 - As Punk As Possible (LP)
2017 - Cursed Tour EP (EP)

Since 2007, Flippin'Heck plays a fast and wild Punk Rock Made-in Toulouse. Distilling a sound ranging from punk old'school to hardcore and tainted with a touch of melodic punk.

These 5 punk rockers gather around punk, noise and beers with influences ranging from heavy metal to surf.

After stabilizing the line-up and after a bunch of concerts full of sweating, October 2010 announced the release of first studio album, 'As Punk As Possible', a 13 tracks autoproduction which blow your ears.

Change of line-up in 2012 with the departure of Mik and the arrival of Marco. In March 2014, Missao mysteriously disappears. In April 2015, after a year to play with a beatbox, PJ joins the band. Complete again, the band is ready to go back on stage.

From August to October 2016, the band record his EP 'Cursed Tour EP' which will be release in early 2017. On January 2017, PJ move to Paris. Vince take his place behind the drums to continue to support the EP on stage.

Marco: Lead Vocals
Hugues : Lead Guitar
Eric : Rhythm Guitar
PAD : Bass / Back Vocals
Vince : Drums

Past Members :
Phil : Lead Vocals / Bass
MiK : Lead Vocals / Rhythm Guitar
Missao : Drums / Back Vocals
PJ : Drums

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